

I think these are so pretty and well made! I bought the matching emerald ring from them and wear it every day- when I wear them together they are such a pretty set. Super eye catching and such a gorgeous deep color!

Kirkland, WA

I’ve been wanting to buy one of these rings for several years. Happy Valentine’s Day to me! I requested a bright pink color and they came through. Absolutely love it! Will be back for more jewelry. :)

Roswell, GA

It was gift and LOVE!

Davie, FL

Very pleased with the ring, perfectly cut stone to a custom made size as requested. Seller has been amazing throughout and even sent a rose quarts stone as a gift which was very kind. A stunning ring, highly recommend as it’s real natural raw emerald. Fast delivery from America as I ordered from the UK. Thank you so much! 💚

London, UK

When I opened the box I fell in love all over again, stunning! I also love that the package and sticker are biodegradable and recyclable. Thank you so much and will return for more!

Fond Du Lac, WA


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