JSL's October Giveaways 2022 Winners Week 2

We are SO excited to announce this week's winners for our annual October Giveaways!
Contest Winner
Our second winner of 2022 is...
This wizarding world pup won 50 points for Gryffindor AND a FREE Onyx ring!
JSL- October Giveaways  JSL- October Giveaways  JSL- October Giveaways
Animal Rescue Winner
Our second Animal Rescue donation of the 2022 Spooky Season is...
Scout's Honor Rescue!
Their main focus is on saving as many animals as possible by finding animals their forever home or rescuing them from dangerous circumstances. All breeds are welcome at Scout's Honor!
We just donated $1,000 to this AMAZING organization!
Scout's Honor - JSL Scout's Honor - JSL Scout's Honor - JSL
Final Thoughts
Thanks to everyone who entered! We have 2 more weeks left so keep tagging us with your fur babies' costumes and your favorite animal rescues!
JSL Team :)